11/19 Reading at the Cave w/ Cortland Gilliam

My friend and comrade Cortland Gilliam invited me and several others to read at The Cave in Chapel Hill this Tuesday, November 19, in celebration of his two years as Chapel Hill's poet laureate which are unfortunately coming to a close. I've seen Cortland do amazing things as laureate including having the idea for our reading last summer, which was a highlight of 2023 for me. There's going to be a collaborative element involving music which I'm looking forward to and will be a first for me. I plan to read a section of TOKEN, but a new section which I haven't read before. I'm sure this is going to be a good time so feel free to come out and listen! There’s a welcome at 7:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7:45 p.m. Let's celebrate Cortland here in NC so he doesn't get any crazy ideas about moving to New York or somewhere else far away!